Bag: Theory
an improvisational music co.
BAG: THEORY an improvisational music company
Screw the stereotypes: endless jams, all rhythm/no melody, no musical direction, aimless catharsis...
Bag: Theory exists to destroy the dogmas of spontaneously composed music.
The band was formed in 2000 when drummer/percussionist M. Segal was asked to resurrect his SST Records improvisational group Paper Bag: as part of a benefit show. Unable to muster the original members, Segal recruited guitarist Anthony Cossa to help assemble a new line-up. They named the project Bag: Theory in reference to their use of Paper Bag:'s writings on improvisation published in the late 1980's.
Early shows were enthusiastically received, as was their 2003 release, ‘A Good Ass Kicking Wears Many Faces’, and 2005 follow up 'Wake Up And Smell The Kafka'. It wasn't long before their live audience realized every performance was a one-shot deal.
The most common statement by audience and reviewers alike: “I can't believe it's improvised.”
Screw the stereotypes. Bag: Theory doesn't care if the listener knows it's improvised; only the quality of the music counts. And with every performance comprised of amazing journeys that will be taken once and never again, they prove it.
Bag: Theory is:
Tony Fate guitar, M. Segal drums/percussion, Marc Mylar saxophone/clarinet, Anthony Cossa guitar, Tom Stillwagon bass
watch at youtube
listen at soundcloud